
About this guide

This guide provides information about the Opera 3 SQL Server Edition (SE) product. The guide describes the functionality available in the Financial, Supply Chain Management, Payroll and Personnel applications, and the technical foundations of the product including the use of Microsoft SQL Server as the data store.

The user experience is described including running 'heavy-duty' processes on the server, along with the reporting features. There is a section for administration and monitoring, and finally installation, set up and migration of data from other editions of Pegasus Opera 3.

Summaries of the main features are also included.

About Opera 3 SQL SE

Opera 3 SQL SE is the latest edition to the Opera 3 family, which merges the present with the future. Built on the solid foundation of Microsoft SQL Server, Opera 3 SQL SE gives you the familiar look and feel of the current Opera 3 product with the power, security and reliability that a SQL Server database brings. The design of Opera 3 SQL SE follows Microsoft best practice for modern client server applications.

For those familiar with Opera 3, Opera 3 SQL SE provides both technical and functional improvements with the ability to extend the product further to fulfil customer needs. With the addition of powerful reporting through the use of modern Business Intelligence products, Opera 3 SQL SE takes businesses to another level in terms of data presentation and analysis, for informed decision making.

Latest version & associated products




Opera 3 SQL SE


Feb 25

Pegasus XRL


Mar 24

Available modules

Opera 3 SQL SE offers a breadth of functionality in the Financial, Supply Chain Management, Payroll and Personnel applications, and includes foreign currency transactions, reporting for Import / Export transactions and Pegasus XRL reporting.

Opera 3 SQL SE includes these modules:

Sections in this guide




Opera 3 SQL SE offers a breadth of functionality in the Financial, Supply Chain Management, Payroll and Personnel applications, and includes foreign currencies transactions, reporting for Import / Export transactions and Pegasus XRL reporting.

Technical foundation

Opera 3 SQL SE lays the foundations for the future by using 64-bit Microsoft .NET framework technologies in the latest 64-bit Windows Server and Windows desktop operating systems, with Microsoft SQL Server being used for the data store. This is a client-server application that uses the Pegasus Opera Service to manage the communication between the PC workstations and the server as well as monitoring the users in the system.

Data security

With Opera 3 SQL SE the security of company data is of the utmost importance.

This decision is supported by the choice of Microsoft SQL Server to provide data storage, the design of the Pegasus Opera Service as the secure method of communication between Microsoft SQL Server and Opera 3 SQL SE, and the introduction of the secure Opera 3 SQL SE Windows File Repository for the files in Windows.

Heavy-duty tasks

Heavy duty ‘data intensive processes’ - that could take some time to complete - are run from the PC workstations but all the processing work is done on the Opera 3 SQL SE server. As well as minimising the impact on your IT network, your workstations are not used at all for by a data intensive process, and so can be used for other tasks.

User experience

Opera 3 SQL SE is a fully integrated system of Financial, Supply Chain Management, Payroll and Personnel applications that blends the traditional with a new user experience.

You can buy the applications that you need, when you need them, and expand the solution as your business grows. And the functionality in each application in Opera 3 SQL SE can be customised to your requirements.

Standard reporting

Each application in Opera 3 SQL SE includes a number of built in reports. Integration with Microsoft Excel is available for some of those reports. They can be printed or saved as PDF documents in a secure location.

Installation & server setup

The installation of the Opera 3 SQL SE server and the client workstation software is straightforward. Details of the supported software environments and the initial configuration tasks that need to be completed on the server are included in the Installation & Implementation guide - available at

Administration & monitoring

The administration and monitoring of Opera 3 SQL SE are achieved by using a separate application that is installed at the same time as the Opera 3 SQL SE server software. The Server Administration and Monitoring application is a server-side application for configuring the Opera 3 SQL SE server software, entering licence and activation details, configuring email settings, creating company records, monitoring database details and managing bespoke applications.


There are strict database rules for data in Opera 3 SQL SE. These rules make sure that dates and values are recorded correctly and related database tables reconcile - for example invoice totals must equate with the sum of the invoice detail lines. The database 'health checker' in the Server Administration and Monitoring application completes these checks prior to the data migration from other editions of Opera 3.